About Dr. Matthias Wurm, LL.M.

Dr Wurm joined the law firm Schlun & Elseven in 2021. He mainly advises international clients and specialises in corporate law, contract disputes, commercial law and in mergers & acquisitions.

German Bundestag Decision: New Law on the Introduction of the Remedial Action

From September 2023, consumer protection associations will have a new legal instrument at their disposal to obtain collective redress against businesses on behalf of consumers. With the remedial action, it will be possible for associations to sue for performance, but also for damages, contract termination, price reduction, or purchase price reimbursement in cases involving [...]

Supplemental Claims for Income Tax and Value Added Tax after Airbnb Disclosure

Given the increasing number of tax audits currently taking place, those offering holiday accommodation in Germany should be well advised to check their information on income and value-added tax as well as on the cultural and tourism tax due in some areas.Only recently, the Hamburg tax authorities issued a clear warning to landlords after requesting [...]

Ukraine: Supply Bottlenecks and Price Increases for Raw Materials – Contract Adjustment as an Exit

Events such as the Corona pandemic, the Ukraine war and the current energy crisis have clearly shown how susceptible international supply chains are to disruption. In recent years, repeated dramatic shutdowns and production losses have affected countless companies worldwide. The sometimes dramatic price increases for primary products and raw materials are affecting not only [...]

OneCoin Scam – German Lawyers representing Fraud Victims

Advancing digitalisation has undoubtedly contributed to the growing fascination around Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Nevertheless, it is important to note here that trading with digital currencies and the use of blockchain technology entail a number of risks and legal issues as well as problems, as the current legal cases concerning the alleged cryptocurrency [...]