Drug Trafficking and Narcotics Offences in Germany

German Criminal Defence Lawyers

Drug Trafficking and Narcotics Offences in Germany

German Criminal Defence Lawyers

Narcotics offences and drug trafficking make up a substantial part of the criminal proceedings pending in Germany today, and the sentences imposed in this area of law are usually severe. Once a narcotics offence has been entered into the criminal record, it often has harsh consequences for the person concerned. These are particularly evident in professional life: people with a criminal record are severely restricted in their choice of profession and job search. A previous drug conviction also impacts applying for visas or residence permits.

Even though the German Narcotics Act (BtMG) specifies simple basic formulas for narcotics offences, this fact should not obscure that each offence consists of several complex elements. Due to the constantly evolving case law, several “unwritten” aspects of the crime must be considered. Thus, a sound knowledge of substantive German criminal law is regularly necessary to assess the individual case correctly.

Schlun & Elseven Rechtsanwälte offers persons who have been confronted with the accusation of a narcotics offence or against whom preliminary proceedings are already pending expert and committed legal assistance. Our criminal law team comprises experienced criminal defence lawyers, including former public prosecutors. Our expertise and years of experience ensure the best possible results for our clients. Please do not hesitate to contact us today to benefit from our knowledge and commitment.

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