Insolvency Lawyers in Germany

Legal Solutions Made in Germany

in Germany

Legal Solutions Made in Germany

Whether a company, its employees or business partners – insolvency is a tough test for all those affected. At the same time, however, insolvency proceedings harbour the opportunity for a fresh start. Unlike liquidation, which usually ends with the complete dissolution of the company, it initially aims to reorganise the company concerned. The primary purpose of this measure is to settle outstanding payments and thus ensure the company’s continued existence. This task requires a solid knowledge of German insolvency law and pre-insolvency reorganisation procedures.

In this context, the German law firm Schlun & Elseven Rechtsanwälte offers skilled and committed legal assistance. Whether your matter concerns the implementation of insolvency proceedings or the assertion of insolvency claims, our lawyers will support you with their expertise and extensive experience. If you have already been accused of delaying insolvency proceedings, we will provide you with the legal assistance you need to protect your rights and interests. Contact us today to benefit from our expertise.

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Our Services relating to Insolvency and Corporate Restructuring in Germany