About Philipp Busse

Lawyer Philipp Busse advises and represents our clients in all areas of criminal law. Prior to his work as a lawyer he worked as a state prosecutor and can now use this experience to successfully advise & defend our clients.

Loss of Driving Licence due to Cannabis Use: Recovery due to Current Amnesty Regulations | Status: August 2024

Revoking a driving licence in Germany is a particularly drastic and stressful measure for those affected. It is especially the case when time-consuming and costly conditions - such as the completion of a medical-psychological examination (a so-called "MPU") - are attached to its reinstatement. Drivers who have had their driving licence revoked in Germany [...]

By |9. September 2024|Criminal Law|

Arrested at Oktoberfest: German Criminal Defence Lawyers

The annual Oktoberfest celebrations in Munich, Germany, attract millions of attendees from all over the world. Although for most tourists, it is a memorable occasion synonymous with joyous gatherings, flowing beer, and a sense of unbridled revelry, there are potential risks involved. Legal difficulties and being arrested at Oktoberfest can make an unforgettable festival [...]

By |27. September 2023|Criminal Law|