Extradition from Germany to Belize

German Extradition and Interpol Lawyers

Extradition from Germany to Belize

German Extradition and Interpol Lawyers

An extradition request usually represents a tremendous emotional burden and a legal challenge for those affected, which they should not face under any circumstances without professional legal support.

As a multidisciplinary, globally active law firm, Schlun & Elseven is your reliable partner to protect you from extradition effectively. In doing so, we not only advise and represent clients who are to be extradited from or to Germany but also use all our expertise and many years of experience to obtain the cancellation of Interpol Red Notices – depending on the country from which they were initiated. If extradition proceedings are already pending against you or if you anticipate such action in the future, contact us immediately so that we can take appropriate countermeasures.

Belize and Germany have not concluded an extradition agreement with each other. In principle, extraditions between these two states can be processed without an agreement according to the general regulations. In Germany, the IRG, the Law on International Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, regulates under which conditions extradition can take place.

Since the statistical recording of extraditions by the Federal Ministry of Justice in 2003, no extraditions have taken place between Belize and Germany.

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